TSK! TSK! Vivica and Kenya…Super Woman Syndrome Appears!

Vivica-A.-FoxThis is going to be short and direct. I think it was <> at Lure on January 24, 2014 in Hollywood, California.absolutely wrong for Vivica and Kenya to throw one of their teammates under the bus because it was “that time of the month” for her. Having symptoms are REAL and should be understood. Vivid and Kenya’s point of view was one of, women run the world, so basically, get over the PMS, the cramps, the emotional challenges..etc…Super Woman Syndrome lives…

Gone! was the empathy! Gone! was the compassion…Gone is the understanding and acceptance of what it is to be a woman. I strongly feel that they should have shown their female teammate more understanding of her situation. If a MAN would have said anything CLOSE to what they said, it WOULD HAVE BEEN OVER!!!!!!! I’m just saying….

Bravo for the young lady taking up for herself at the end of the show! Yes! Make your stand and make sure individuals KNOW who you are…not TELL you who you are! Bravo!


Shame on the women AND men who didn’t stand up for her, contestants and Trump team. I WILL say that I believe Donald Trump tried to say that they should have given her a little bit of slack. At least he asked the question…but no one bit. Hhhmmm..something to think about.

Celebrity: Episode 2



For the first time, I saw a different Donald Trump on Celebrity Apprentice. What I witnessed was the amazing process of his business mind. With his son and partner at the table, listening to the way they think, how they conduct business, what THEY felt should have happened, I saw what makes Trump a consummate and formidable business person. It was really brilliance! As a viewer, I felt like I was a butterfly on the wall listening to how it all works! Seeing it in action! I came away with the feeling of (more…)

Celebrity Apprentice 2015: Let the Unfair Games Begin!

Will it Happen this Season?

Will it Happen this Season?

OK…so it has started. I’ll get right to the point. In the Board Room. Trump, Trump and Morgan, the contestants, almost everyone that spoke said that the main thing to remember about a fundraiser is that it is about a FUND raiser! Who can raise the most money. The bottom line is the bottom dollar. It doesn’t matter about how good or bad the product tastes…if your team did not raise the most amount of money, your team will lose. The Heads of the Board all stated this fact, implicitly. Geraldo was asked, if he had someone to fire, who would it be? He chose the two people who brought in the least amount of money. They all agreed to his assessment. Especially because Lorenzo Lamas brought in only between 100-150 dollars. BUT! Geraldo’s team won because THEY brought in the most amount of money. Period. The theme remains the same. Follow the money. (more…)